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Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Crying myself to sleep because I'm feeling extremely miserable in a sexless marriage.

Why go through with fertility treatments if we don't even fuck?

I just do not understand. Why must I get all the blame for everything when I've been trying so hard?

It's pointless.

And I feel helpless.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

So what's the point in me going for Fertility Treatments when we do not ever have sex?

What's the use of us pretending everything is fine when the fact is he's not even interested in me?

I'm so God damn tired of talking about it to him and explaining it to relatives that I've truly given up trying.

Doesn't help that the Mother In Law is a Buddhism Fanatic who believes one shouldn't have too much sex and only fucking on a certain calculated date is allowed, YET expects a baby to pop out.

Call me Mother Bloody Mary if I ever immaculately conceive a child this way.

I don't know how long this marriage will last but I'm losing faith daily.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Feeling disappointed.

WAS looking forward to a Jaguar for my wedding car.

Guess I'll just have to settle for a Vintage Old British Beetle,

I'm very concerned about the leg space, considering my gown is really big and long.

At least it's one thing settled.

We've been searching for places to adopt a pet. I finally realise why people would rather buy a pet from a Pet Shop than adopt.

Because the adoption process takes too god damn long. Way longer than expected. From the initial interview to re-homing, it has taken us 2 months so far.

And we still have no pet in sight. It doesn't help that first time pet owners are given the stink eye and discouraged from owning a pet.

I mean, come on. We're willing to take a pet and give it a good home while making more space for your shelter and here you are, getting all judgy?


Someone restore my faith in humanity please.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Eagerly awaiting the day to bring a bunny home. We've been cage building and I can't wait to adopt a bunny.

*Excited dance*

25th April might be the day I get to choose.

Friday, March 27, 2015


It's not the first time that I've blocked him but you know,  like pests, they just keep reproducing themselves.

And like a determined pest exterminator, I'm very much ready to go burn his house down, IF his family hasn't declared bankruptcy and sold the house, that is.

Because there is such a thing as Karma and from what I've heard,  she's a bigger bitch than anyone else. :)

Friday, March 13, 2015

My trusty Samsung S4 took a dive in the toilet bowl after the festivities of CNY. The husband was very nice to buy himself a new Note4 and gave me his crusty S4, which was acquired at the same time as my S4. Though mine took a few tumbles in the toilet, his phone was somehow dirtier than mine was. It has permanent brown stains at the rims of his phone.


He had set it up for me and transferred most of my previous apps into his old phone for my use, but the settings are all messed up and I'm not looking forward to personalizing it any further because my line will be up for renewal in 2 week's time!!


I don't really care which Samsung it is, I just want a new, clean phone with no crusty bits.

Maybe a Samsung Edge. Something white and clean.


Monday, February 23, 2015

9I need sex. LOADS OF IT.

But I'm starved of it.

After 1 year of no Menstruation,  I finally got it during the CNY period.

I can think of so many puns related to red and Chinese New Year...but I shall not flood this post with it.


9 days of heavy bleeding, tiredness and 40cm sanitary pads later, I do not miss my period whatsoever. I only need it to conceive and make a baby which my husband is ever so unwilling to make with me.

I don't know how to feel. It's very unfortunate of me to marry him and then realise that he has changed his mind on kids.

I probably will never have kids with him. :(

Our traditional wedding is coming. But I'm already so tired of planning, I've totally run out of steam.

I just want to find my pretty dresses and get it over with.