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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Trust & Transparency

I have realised for sometime now, that I have no one to talk to.

No one to bare my soul to, no one unassuming to listen.

Not when my own husband who is supposed to. Because we have different views on things. Because he's not a good listener. Because he throws his tantrums like a kid and it gets on my nerves.

It's almost 4am and sleep is eluding me.

I've enjoyed being a housewife so far and I could only wish I could be this way without the financial stress he's piling on me.

I haven't asked for a single cent from him. And he hasn't volunteered to take care of my finances since our marriage. I find that saddening. He used to promise me that he would support me. But it has disappeared since moving in together.
I feel disappointed. Very let down. I've not asked for anything so far but he has since requested that I look for work. And very under handedly asked his mother to pressure me too, I suspect.

I find this marriage lacking in proper communication and very soon it will all break down.

I beat him up and gave him hell last week for lying to me. And since then I have lost my trust towards him. I really wonder how long we'll last. I loved him when I married him but less than a year in, I'm starting to wonder if this will work out without transparency and trust in this relationship. He's not being transparent with me and I've lost my trust for him.