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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


He completes me!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Toa Payoh Popiah!!!!


At this Toa Payoh Popiah Tuah called "POPIAH".


I know right?

But it was really good and I really wanted to order another plate after we had finished the first but he said we should try the other food too.

So we ordered two plates of yuan yang Ipoh Horfun from the stall right beside POPIAH.

I super love the noodles!

And it's true that you can gauge how good the food is if the soup is flavoursome!

I'm so damn blessed.

Even though this morning the bloody SMRT TAXI UNCLE tried to cheat me of my money by charging me double ERP. I had to argue with the bloody driver. Ughs. Long story. It is all on Facebook.

And I failed my M9.

I'm very worried. If I don't pass all by May, my exams would clash with my HI AND M9a.

And that would be catastrophic.

Plus I won't be able to book our Batam trip for Daryl's birthday!

And I don't want to disappoint him!

I have to get it all done by August, before my M5 expires for good.

Lord, please I beg you to make this transition a smooth one for me so that we may achieve the goals we have in life. Amen.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I can't sleep cuz I'm paranoid about Daryl dumping me because I eat too much and I explore too many food options and one day he might become too broke because I spent all his money on food.


But if he stops me from trying all the food around me then I wouldn't want him anymore because what joy is there in life when you can't eat yummy food?


Anyway today we went to Dempsey Hill and had a very sumptuous tea at Jones The Grocer.

I went crazy.

Ordered a Brownie, an Apple Crumble, Nougat, Black Forest Hot Chocolate and Traditional Hot Chocolate.

Gave him my marshmallow cuz I was conscious about my sugar intake. And since he has a sweeter tooth than me, plus he was ingesting that apple crumble which has considerably less sugar than the brownie and Almond Nougat, the marshmallow I had to miss.

We had Santouka Ramen for dinner but I really really craved Popiah. But I don't know of any place nice for Popiah but to make it myself at home (which is shitload of work) or to eat it at Spring Court. Ugh.

I think I can eat Popiah daily and lose weight that way because Popiah is just so damn nice.


What if one day after child birth I balloon and become damn fat. Will he dump me for a tanned bombshell instead?


I need an occasion to have the house to myself then I can cook gnocchi for him.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

He's afraid that I'll go back to Lizard. But that will never happen.

Dearest, you have nothing to worry about. <3

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Brought Daryl to see Baby Orange today. Had bought a few shirts for Baby Orange previously but did not have the time to visit and gift.

Finally made it today, after a having Dunch, (that's dinner and late lunch) at Hatched!

The food there is super delicious! I love it!!! Dearie brought me there and I was caught by surprise! XD Then we had a slow walk in the Botanic Gardens!


Oh joy! XD

I'm going to return there and feed them one day!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

List of firsts with Daryl.

1. Getting stuck in the mall in the middle of the night while trying to get access into the car park. Running around the dark mall trying to get to the car while high and drunk on Whiskey and beer.

2. Completing each other's sentences when talking.

3. Saying the same thing at the same time. Totally telepathic and jinx-mazing.

4. Have a birthday song sung and recorded just for me.

5. Fully plan and book a holiday.

6. Receive a none collateral branded bag. (fucking love my Furla!)

7. Get high drunk and go KBFZ on him for hours at the side of the road.

8. Study together. Go to class together. Take exams together. Do projects together. ❤❤

9. Graduate before Daryl!!

10. Pull nipple hair. Kekez.

11. Save me from leaping off MBS.

12. Receive allowance from him for my expenditures and he doesn't even complain about it. I FEEL SO DAMN LOVED!

13. Feel absolutely totally irrevocably loved by a man. As much love as the love I had from my late Grandpa whom
I so dearly loved. (D is like the living breathing loving man that I've been searching for my entire life!)

16. I can imagine having his kids. :,)

17. He likes me sweaty.

18. He sucks at planning. The one and only guy who can't plan a surprise for nuts. I've been given pleasant birthday surprises before. His kind is a first.

19. First boyfriend to drive into Sentosa.

20. First boyfriend who got together with me on the First day of the year, overseas.

21. First boyfriend who gave me battery pack to save my ever dying phone. Everyone else just let my phone die.

22. First boyfriend to ever meet Cassandra and play with Baby Orange!

23. Only man who has waited for 3 hours in the car for me. His patience for me is incredible. ❤❤❤

24. First boyfriend who has never been to Bedok 85 for awesome hawker food!

25. First boyfriend to talk about marriage without trepidation other than the QB's never ending antics.

26. Eloping has never been that romantic an idea than with him.

27. Went through MRT without letting go of his hands. And it feels so natural with him, I didn't realise it until we had tapped out!

28. He saved me from broken heels TWICE. (@^-^@)

29. Buy me a Butterfly lamp.

30. Bring him for a walk around Chinatown. I broke his Chinatown virginity. I need to bring him to Spring Court for POPIAH soon!

31. Only guy able to remove my pearl earring that was stuck on my left ear for years without hurting me! HE'S MY HERO!!!

32. Power napped in the car parked in Changi Airport.

33. Studied into the night with him at TCC.

34. Broke his Carl's Junior virginity.

35. Went to the Botanic Garden to feed fishes and terrapins.

36. Take his T shirt to bed. His smell helps me sleep.

37. Apply mask on his face and squeeeeeeeeze his pimples till he cries.

38. Hunt down our favourite Thai Coconut Juice in Cold Storage and pledge to fill our fridge with it.

39. Attend a wedding dinner together.

40. Go tanning together at Changi Court.

41. Walk the entire Vivocity to shop!

42. Fed him cheese fondue. He has never tried it before.

43. Eat at Trapizza in Sentosa.

44. Visit his colleagues' house for Hari Raya & actually felt fine interacting and talking with his colleagues.

45. Walk around Sentosa and get leg cramps together.

46. Brought him to City Space. He likes the Long Island there.

47. Eat Prata and drink Teh Tarik at Mr Teh Tarik. It's his first time seeing the Indian man Tarik the teh.

48. Buy Peony Jade moon cakes for my family.

49. Get a supplementary card from him.

50. Buy $78 Mao Shan Wang and Gui Huang Durian moon cakes for his dad.

51. Eight months of undisrupted pure love.

52. Bought a pair of paper pellet air guns. Ripped it open and played with them like kids. He bought a Rifle while I got a machine gun! Shot them in the carpark at random cars!

53. Drove his car for the first time around the carparks and then all the way home!!

54. Said Hi to his dad and for once he heard me!

55. He washed my hair for me!!!

56. Watched Coldplay LIVE 2012 movie concert for the first time together! It was fucking awesome!! All thanks to Timothy Alvin Oh for giving us the tickets!

57. Apply for BTO. <3

58. Cycle in the family cart together.

59. Get a joint savings account.

60. Our first Chinese New Year together.

61. Received my first ever Valentine's Day Card. <3

62. Went to his first Gig at the Silver Club.

63. Attended my first ever concert!

64. Visited his aunties at Lentor and had lunch together.

65. Attended his friend's wedding dinner.

66. Went to USS. Played all the kiddy rides.

67.Cooked brunch for him. Pancakes witg scrambled eggs.

68. Cooked sweet potato porridge.