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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fucked up Halloween with bad weather and no friends to go out with. There were many plans but all were cancelled.

Screwed Halloween

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I don't blog often anymore, because I was never a blogspot blogger to begin with. Uploading pictures are a hassle and I'm just not mad about Blogspot.

I've yet to find a blogskin that I like.

I want a new camera, because the festive season is near, and social events are aplenty!

Alas, $300 - $500 for a gadget is too much for me.

And I might get to lazy bringing it around and end up not using it in the end. Which also explains why I do not own any MP3 players.

I'm too lazy to download new music into it.


ORK has been boring. Auditing period is round the corner and our panties are all bunched up about it.

(Panties, because the lab is all female except for 2 men of which one could be considered Ah Kuah.)

I've a bunch of paper work to fill in cuz I'm new. Though eager to clear the paper work, I've no idea how to go about it.


Someone give me!




The only guy (excluding ex boyfriends) I've ran to for a cry in the middle of the night. LOL.

Awkward, I suppose, in his position, but nonetheless he tries his best!


*I've yet to receive photos from Pauline's wedding. I dare say I looked pretty Trannylicious! LOL.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I was handed the bouquet at the wedding. I didn't even need to runa fter it or whatever. No reflex action was even required.
But that apparently freaked the Queen Bitch out.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Queen Bitch is at it again, trying to cause a rift between me and my relatives, spreading stupid rumours and gossiping about me to them, putting words I've never said (rather, words that SHE SAID.) into my mouth, using me as the bloody scapegoat while I was out celebrating the lantern festival with the dear cousins.

The triple Ks are no longer considered dear considering how rude they are to me.

We had bonfires and made hearts with candles. Celebration with tradition is slowly dying.

No longer do you see kids running around with lanterns in their hands anymore.


Friday, October 2, 2009

I was given a bunch of chocolate from the office, cuz no one wanted the chocolates Jaya gave. Nobody likes him.

I brought it home in a bag and stuffed my lab coat in the bag as well.

The fucking lazy maid then THREW the entire plastic bag INTO THE WASHING MACHINE.

She didn't even bother removing the lab coat from the plastic bag, nor soak it seperately from the other laundry when I've told her a MILLION times that LAB COATS are EXTREMELY DIRTY.


Thank God I was quick to realise from the sudden throttle of the washing machine that her sloth would propel her to spoil and destroy good things.


Anyway, I've finally felt a sense of achievement from work.

I've managed to shorten a 3 day work process into 24 hours for urgent samples!

Food samples are not like petrol. Where simple dilution with kerosene would suffice. Food requires additional and tedious steps of digestion to disintegrate the samples into acid solutions before dilution.

Usually, it would've taken up to 3 days for the full process of Heavy Metals Analysis.

I'm so glad I made it within 24 hours.


Boss treated C&CC and DR lab to Kushin Bo for lunch today!

The total bill came up to $500, I think.

The food was good, and I was so bloated I still don't have room for dinner.