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Thursday, July 30, 2009


Working in the lab is fucking boring when there's so much to learn and I'm so fucking new to the point where when there's no supervision, I'm completely LOST.


Supervisor had to take the half day off and I was left stranded in the damn lab. Everyone had a place to hide, something to do while I was so damn free, I literally begged for some work to do.


Tomorrow will be another day without supervision.

*TV commentator voice*

Another episode of LOST.

My thighs were burnt by acid yesterday, and now my thighs are scarred.

Save me!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

With Beer, Olives and Pizza...

I don't know how the hell am I EVER going to get well now.

It's almost a month since I last started getting Flu-ey.

Since Thursday night I've been having the diahorrea.

I suspect it must've been the expired milk the maid kept in the fridge for God knows what reason OR the samples the lab assistants have been keeping in the pantry to eat.


Yesterday was rather eventful. The Mental Aunt came by to stay over at East Vale, and in the short 15 minutes of her arrival, managed to rile Shorty the Oyster.

She shouted, flipped the marble dinning table (Strong! For such a short fart.) and spilt lunch all over the M.A.

The Q.B did nothing, of course, because Shorty is, afterall her treasured Oyster. But The F.F. said something that made her feel guilty for her biasedness, so she screamed and threatened to whoop the Shorty's ass. LOL.

Of course it was all for show for her reaction was so slow, Shorty had by then locked herself in her room with a huge slam.

The plot gets FUNNIER.

After an hour of shouting and screaming, Shorty tried to open up her door.


She had been slamming her door so often that the door lock had jammed and hairline cracks slowly surface in the past months.

She then threw the NEW printer against the door along with an IKEA office chair.

Good Game.

I tried to help her unjam the door knob by giving her explicit instructions, but apparently her head is too thick and stupid (despite her ongoing education in NUS Eng) to figure out how to do it.

I gave up and got the F.F to call the lock smith to crack it open with a spanner instead.

Paid a Bangla worker $35 bucks just to break the door knob with a hammer.

When all else fails, brute force and money works. O.o

The M.A, Chipped Sapphire, Tormentors et moi went to Courts for a spot of shopping and then to Changi Village to look at the Flea Market and dinner.

I didn't buy anything cuz protests were everywhere when I wanted to buy a $18 pirated Ed Hardy belt.

I wasn't in the mood for bargaining. Sigh. So when met with resistance, I chose to keep my money in my wallet instead.

Slept over at East Vale, and it felt good sleeping in my old room with my own privacy again.

Tapped someone's internet and played FB games while watching Harold & Kumar. Part 1 and 2.

P.S.: I have no idea why some people like Beer with Ice. Ice totally spoils the beer's flavour and it ends up tasting like piss. YUCK.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Third week. The cough, phlegm and flu is still around.

Fucking Polyclinic is useless, I tell you. Their doctors are only good at wasting patient's time waiting while they chat and play away on Facebook.

The Polyclinic should really consider removing Internet access for doctors to increase their work efficiency. UGH.

First week of work so far has been good.

Other than the fact that I was late on the first day of work due to pick up point mix up. The bloody HR told me that the pick up point was at Choa Chu Kang when there was another nearer pick up point at Jurong East.

I ended up waiting for the company bus at the wrong location and looked out for the wrong bus because the chartered bus was NEVER COMFORT.

It was some ratty school bus instead. Pfft.

Anyway, the people in the lab are nice, and apparently they were apprehensive about my hire because I'm THE youngest in the WHOLE building, very much in experienced and lives the FURTHEST.

LOL. But I told my Team Leader not to worry because I'm willing to tough it out.


I'm loving the challenges right now.

ugh. i cant blog cuz blogspot is fucked.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Even when I'm sick, he couldn't stop fighting.

There's a limit to everything and if he can't give in, nor afford to do anything about it to make things better, there's just no point in dragging.

This whole relationship is finally over and I'm TIRED.

All along he was just using me to push himself to get a degree, and now that he's on his way to getting it, there's no use for me to be around anymore.

I'm better off single anyway, with this lousy family behind me, there's no way a guy will have it easy. And honestly, I think SG guys are just not equipped to handle this kind of situation at all.

So let's hear the Single Mingler's Jingle!

Sick and tired.

I'm so fucking sick and sickened by the fucking useless maid at home.

The whole damn house has no more food and all she can do is to sit on her fucking fat arse the whole day and play with her fucking phone or yak on it.

She doesn't bother to stock up, and she doesn't bother to cook anything when there's no food to eat either.


Yesterday I had to cook pasta to feed myself and today was just a bowl of store bought porridge that had NO taste.


I've got no appetite but I'm getting sicker just by seeing that fat fuck lying around the house.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Nary a wink of sleep.

The cough got worse and I vomitted my dinner last night.

I was coughing so hard, I barely got to sleep.

Gulping the medication didn't seem to help either.

I was coughing so badly, I could feel my lungs squeeze so hard it collapsed like a compressed hot water bag.

The coughing not only made sleep difficult, I was sweating buckets from the effort as well.

I'm currently spitting blood laced phlegm and hacking away.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I totally blabbered.

Today was my last day and even though I had a 3 day MC for a terrible infection, I had no choice but to drag my ass to work because MCs apparently don't count when it's your last day at work when "Exit Clearence" has to be done.


So I was at work with Arfah the ex Suria actress sharing my soon to be ex-work station the whole time, happily kneeling on my office chair and twirling in circles while cracking jokes in the office with Joyce and sending prank emails to Shirley because she IS that BLUR. LOL.

I wrote a short 'Job Advertisement' for a TAI TAI specially for her since she loves facials, shopping and Mahjong too much. LOL.

I sent it to her using her BF's number, and she was blur enough to actually DIAL the numbers before the BF's number popped up!


I'm gonna miss those times!


Then around 2pm Suria was asked into the office for an update on her progress. (She's afraid of making phone calls because she used to have a Personal Assistant to do that for her, I think.)

I don't think she'll make past the first month in the office becasue of that. Handling calls IS one of the requirements of this job afterall.

The TM asked for some feedbacks before I leave, and I told him almost everything everyone has been complaining about. He wanted feedbacks and I guess he got some.

Guess someone will be fired soon.

It was revealed that Kenneth the V Biotene, has no leadership and is better off doing other things. LOL.

Ihearditand I CONCUR!


Anymore coughing and I'm going to start spitting blood.


Monday, July 13, 2009


Last Tuesday I couldn't stop coughing, and so went to the Polyclinic for some cough syrup and flu pills.

Last Friday the cough did not abate and I started to have a really bad headache.

Today, I'm sneezing, with a nose on the run, a heavy metal band playing in my head, dry cough that got me coughing so hard my whole damn face turned red, AND sore throat.

I feel like I'm swallowing sand.


Now all I need are some muscle aches and a fever to be positively H1N1.


So the irritating Bernard got injured.

And the ex OP exec died.

Just too bad she thought that God's words were unbelievable.

Life is a vicious cycle.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What's love?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Quinsy is too lazy to blog updates due to her rapidly increasing addiction to stupid facebook games.
Although the games takes too long to load and often, due to the lousy Singtel Mio she subscribes to, fails to load and thus need to RELOAD.

It is amazing how much a stupid game addiction can derail one's lifestyle.

Actually it isn't just one. It's *counts* RC,FT,FV,BB,MW,PS... six ++ games.

How do I manage?

By simply opening six different tabs in a single window!


Recently attended the Micheal Jackson Tribute event by Gold 90 FM with Jaclyn.

The Indians impersonating Micheal Jackson wasn't that great though we got to watch Micheal Jackson MTVs (we could've stayed home to watch them on YouTube), and see this DJ destroy Micheal Jackson's Billie Jean... literally.


R.I.P Micheal.
