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Sunday, September 27, 2009

The only way out is death.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

An IMMENSE ache in the bones; cancer eating me up inside.


Our lab just won GOLD for this year's WITS.

I'm so depressed inside.

I'm upset with no one to turn to. How fucking pathetic is that?

And I thought a BOYFRIEND was supposed to be that confidante. How wrong!

This 'BOYFRIEND' apparently does none of it. Rather, he adds to the problem.

I don't need such an asshole in my life.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Work was a killer today. The whole team was AWOL and MIA.

I was the only person left on the team.

Left with the task of clearing the shitload of work piled up from the long weekend, I slogged my fat ass off and barely had 5 mins for lunch.

Practically poured hot porridge (my lunch) down my throat while choking out tears because it was so damn fucking hot.

There wasn't enough time for me to transfer any of the digested samples for dilution. So in 8 hours' time I'll be breaking my wrist, cranking open bloody plastic blocks and inhaling coupious amount of acid fumes.

My hair will reek of acid once again.

I was really tempted to bang my head against the wall calculating the elusive concentration for Silicon for the sample's spike.

God I hate calculation!

I just hope tomorrow would be a better day.

A Zebra will never shed it's strips.

A Zebra's strips will never shed, nor will a leapard become a pussy cat.

The Zebra will always be the Zebra. It'll never become a White Horse.

Perhaps it is time that girls realise that a White Horse has to be bred. And no amount of alteration of training will make the Zebra, a White Stallion.

I should probably stop dreaming of a knight in shining armour to appear from the pauper. The pauper who refuses to stop betting, throwing everything he has to chance and luck.

I suppose a pauper IS a pauper for a reason.

He just can't get rich from all that chancing.

A reminder to self.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I baked pies again this afternoon, and the outcome was fantastic.

I added some extra raisins, and used the pastry without chilling 'overnight' which, I discovered, just dries the pastry skin up.

Tomorrow I shall attempt to make some oatmeal cookies.

It was revealed that J never really cared if I broke up with him or not. I suppose he always assumed right that I would always go back to him if he begged or asked to make up.

I guess it is time that I mean what I say and just move on.

I need some fresh air anyway, I suppose.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Stress baking.

The Queen Bitch is at it again, threatening to break me life up.

Obviously, it just signals her boredom and her need for Drama.

I, Quinsy, aka, the Evil Nyonya, must find ways to break this chain of evil bitchiness.

Thus I plotted late into the night while baking Muffins and Fairy Cakes.

This morning, while baking my Apple-Pear Pie, it dawned on me that the easiest way to accelerate her going away is to dose the pie with too much sugar to make her diabetes sky rocket.

I did.

*Evil Laugher*


I must say, though, that my pie, IS extremely delicious.

I shall look up for more recepies.

P.S: Went to Nat's house for soccer match last midnight, Manchester United vs Tottenham Hotspurs.

Needless to say, the red devils won 3-1.

That's why I support Man U. I don't support losers.

P.P.S: Work has been relatively fucking stressful. A meeting on Friday and some nuances from the manager hinted at my inaptness.

I felt very deflated after that.

Perhaps they find me not diligent enough, though I've been trying my best. I'm just not good at all this chemistry crap.


Take me AWAY!

Saturday, September 12, 2009



Sunday, September 6, 2009

Should I have a pet for the Lab??

Work has been good so far.

And the Manager recently suggested that I should have a pet for the office. Though that sounded like an interesting idea, since she has a crab and a fish in a tank too, but I don't think it's wise to 'make myself at home' at such an early stage since I've technically been there for less than three months!


I don't really know how to take care of a pet in the office when I'm so busy these days in the lab what with that bloody Director's request to cut down testing time. Pfft.



I've been doing some thinking and researching about Office Pet Policies and apparently if the company seems alright with it, it shouldn't be a problem.

But leaving the pet alone on weekends becomes a concern.


List of possible pets/plants for the office:

1.Ant farm.
3.Fighting Fish.
4.Hamsters (but they'll smell.)
5.Sea Monkeys. (But they sometime freak me out.)
6.Venus Fly trap. (But will it be bad for FengShui?)
7.Air Plants.
8.Plants in a bottle.

Can't possible rear a rabbit or dog on my desk anyway. LOL.